However, it didn’t feel like anything special whatsoever. Sure, it was faced with the near-impossible task of living up to its predecessor, Galactic Civilizations 2, a game that many consider being one of the best space 4X games of all time. I was an open critic of the state of GC3 at its initial release. That’s a good question and one that I’m going to attempt to answer for myself in the same process. Three expansions, many, many patches, and some DLC later, how does GC3 stack up against the (increasingly stiff) competition? Not surprisingly, Stardock has done an excellent job of supporting the game, despite the lukewarm reception it initially received.
Stardock Entertainment initially released Galactic Civilizations 3 (GC3) almost SIX years ago at the time of this writing, and as I have recently stated, I believe that the fourth iteration will be announced this year, so naturally, I figured it’d be a good time to write a comprehensive review of the game.